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pH value measurement May 2015

We regularly check the water solubility of our products. As part of this audit, we tested the effect of different pH values on the solubility of our products.

According to the German Drinking Water Ordinance, drinking water may have a pH value between 6.5 to 9.5. The drinking water in Pforzheim at the testing day had a pH of 8.0. To test the water solubility in slightly acidic and slightly alkaline water, the pH was adjusted to 6.5 and 10.2.

Conclusion: Changing the pH value does not affect the solubility of the products. Generally speaking, our products are easily dissolved by stirring in cold water. The pictures below show how the products look in dissolved form.

NEKTON R-Beta gelöst in kaltem Wasser bei drei unterschiedlichen pH-Werten 6,5 / 8,0 und 10,2 (von links).
NEKTON-R-Beta, NEKTON-R und NEKTON-Gelb (von links) in Trinkwasser gelöst.
NEKTON-S, NEKTON-E und NEKTON-B-Komplex (von links) in Trinkwasser gelöst.

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