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Therefore Nekton

Learn more about our production conditions and our manufacture of feed supplements for animals.

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Product development as core competency


Over the years, we have repeatedly adapted and further developed our products to meet new requirements and findings. It is our aim to always offer the best possible care for your pet. Everyone in our team is an animal lover or has a pet themselves, so a good result of our work is always important to us.

Balanced and high quality


In the production of our products, we rely on high-quality raw materials and pay attention to a precise and consistent recipe for all combinations. All of our products are balanced and safe for your pet. A balanced supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements helps to keep your pet healthy for a long time. Even with a natural diet, it is important to supplement with feed supplements, as important components are often not present in sufficient quantities in the feed. Our products help you protect your pet from nutritional deficiencies and prevent diseases.

Best production conditions


Our production has been awarded the GMP+ B8 certificate since 2019. A GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certification includes the exact documentation of specifications and execution of production steps. This includes e.g. SOPs, i.e. standardized rules for work processes. This is how we ensure that every production step, from the raw material to the finished supplement, follows a clear structure and is traceable at all times. In these work instructions we also regulate strict compliance with hygiene regulations within our production.
Incidentally, the certification also extends beyond the production area. In many administrative processes, which are responsible for the purchase of raw materials or sales, SOPs also affect the day-to-day processes. Thanks to complete documentation, we can trace our entire supply chain at any time and thus guarantee the safety of every batch produced.
If you are looking for high quality and absolutely safe feed supplements for your pet, NEKTON is the right choice for you and your animal! We are very proud of our interdisciplinary team, with whom we work tirelessly on new vitamin and mineral supplements. Specialists from the fields of animal nutrition, animal health, marketing and sales complete the long-standing experience to perfection.

Our Team for Your Pet


We are very proud of our interdisciplinary team, with whom we work tirelessly on new vitamin and mineral supplements. Specialists from the fields of animal nutrition, animal health, marketing and sales complete the long-standing experience to perfection.
If you need help finding the right supplement for your pet, we're here to help. Give us a call or email us and be as specific as possible about where you would like to support your pet. Our experts will use this as a basis to show you what fits best. Important: Our advice can never replace a medical consultation or treatment. So if your pet has health problems, please consult your trusted vet!